Your Dog’s Cozy Way to Recovery

A Veterinary recommended alternative to the cone of shame. Say goodbye to dog cones and hello to comfort! Sewn to snuggly hug your dog’s shape, our dog recovery suit protects stitches without restricting movement and range of sight.

Provides Optimal Comfort and Protection

Let your pooch move, eat, drink, sleep, and recover without the obstruction of the cone. This dog cone alternative after surgery also covers wounds to deter licking, biting, or scratching. It’s particularly ideal to use after spaying or neutering.

Hassle-free Design

Put it on your dog without struggle. This dog post surgery suit is made to smoothly slide over your pup’s head and snap shut at the rear. Our dog surgery recovery suit is the easiest, more secure way to cover up wounds.

Soothing for Antsy Pups

Provide your furry one a comfortable dog suit to alleviate stress and anxiety. Created from soft, stretch-fit cotton, lightweight, and breathable material, our surgery recovery suit ensures a happier and healthier recovery.

For just $4 we are able to donate a comfortable recovery to pups who are spayed / neutered at low cost spay / neuter clinics around the U.S.

Orient the BellyGuard with the longer side down.

Gently put the dogs head through the neck opening.

Gently slide the dogs front legs through the front leg openings.

Pull the tail flap the rear and insert the dogs tail through the tail opening.

Snap the BellyGuard securely in place at the desired location.

All set! Relax and recover quickly and comfortably.

perfect for all types dog
Sliding Image Sliding Image

Using our popular BellyGuard Recovery Onesie, after surgery.

10,000 Pups Happy

Buy BellyGuard Recovery Onesie Today